
Protecting the Second Amendment: Right to Conceal and Carry



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  • Riley Doering

    October 24, 2019 / at 4:41 pmsvgReply

    The second amendment was instilled because of a tyrannical government that was still looming over our infant nation. As we have become more established, the 2nd has been more and more unnecessary, or should have been redefined and restructured to accommodate differing firearms after the invention of the musket. The musket that, at it’s inception took nearly a minute to load one round, that’s one shot fired, per one minute. Most every mass shooting has involved an AR of some sort, which fire up to 600 rounds per minute. Factor in that the accuracy and speed that it can reach a target, the exponential death count is staggering. Can you provide more information or insight on why you would believe we shouldn’t adjust a “right” even though technological advances have allowed for an absurd increase in statistical killing power?

    Thanks Much,

  • anonymous

    March 21, 2019 / at 8:38 amsvgReply

    I think that the author is correct in this situation because if you were going to try and commit a crime or shooting or other violent act, would you rather do it where nobody will stand up to you or where all of the citizens are armed; if you chose the second option you would probably end up shot.

  • Abigail

    March 13, 2019 / at 10:48 amsvgReply

    “The reason so many school shootings happen is because the shooters know there isn’t anyone else in the school who has a gun”

    How do you know this? Your article does not have any evidence for such an accusation. The public has almost no idea of knowing what is going on inside a shooters brain, unless they have been diagnosed with some sort of mental illness. Shooters often target schools because they often have mental illnesses. You can find evidence for that here- https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-duwe-rocque-mass-shootings-mental-illness-20180223-story.html

    “If some teachers have guns and the criminals know that, it would make them more cautious which would result in less school shootings.” How would you know this as well? We have never armed teachers, so it’s not fair to assume an outcome before action has been taken.

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    Protecting the Second Amendment: Right to Conceal and Carry