Step 1: The Author

The first step in your study of Macbeth is to learn or review the story of the play's author, William Shakespeare. You will need the following notesheet to guide your exploration of the author's background. Make a copy of it in your Google Drive (File / Make a copy) and name it Lastname_Step1. Take notes digitally and submit it on the Evaluation page.

Download Step 1 Guide

Shakespeare Mini-Bio

Check out this mini-biography of William Shakespeare's life from, then add notes to the Background Guide you downloaded above.

Shakespeare Unlocked

This is simply a trailer to BBC's series "Shakespeare Unlocked," but based on the content, what do you think the show's creators intend to say about Shakespeare using this trailer? What do images in the video suggest makes Shakespeare great?

The Globe Theater

Although the Globe was burned down, London has a reconstruction of the original. It is illegal to record video inside it, but i2iTravel obtained rights, so check out their video above.

Conclusion to Step 1: The Author

So you've been briefly introduced to Shakespeare's life and influence. That's all for step one, but if you still feel like Shakespeare is still a name, not a person, to you, check out Christopher Gaze's telling of Shakespeare's loss of his young son. Otherwise, click the button below to proceed to Step 2: The Play's History.

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The Private Man

Step 2: The Play's History

Here you will study the background of the historical Macbeth, along with the Elizabethan context for the play Macbeth (there is a 500 year difference!). You will need the following notesheet to guide your exploration of the play's historical context. Make a copy of it in your Google Drive (File / Make a copy) and name it Lastname_Step2. Take notes digitally and submit it on the Evaluation page.

Download Step 2 Guide

A New Boss

Really, you're having us watch a video from a different high school teacher? Couldn't you teach us this yourself? Well, sure, but props to Carol Jackson because I love the way she introduces the historical context.

Political Tension

Use the guide to take some notes on the political background of Macbeth in this article by BBC Bitesize. Check out the Chain of Being presentation to see more.

The Gunpowder Plot

Remember, remember, the fifth of November! These famous words allude to the Gunpowder treason during the reign of James I. In this video, Carla Della Gatta the Gunpowder Plot in 90 seconds. After watching her 90 second intro, read the article "Shakespeare and the Gunpowder Plot" for details on how this conspiracy inspired Macbeth.

Conclusion to Step 2: The History

At this point, you should be able to explain the historical context of Macbeth. Specifically, you should be able to explain why and when Shakespeare changed the name of his acting company, where James I came from and how it is relevant to Macbeth, and how and why the play upholds the idea of the great chain of being and the divine right of kings. For fun, if you like Doctor Who, check out the free game "The Gunpowder Plot," in which Dr. Who explores the events of the treason.

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Doctor Who: The Gunpowder Plot

Step 3: The Language

The last step before beginning the play is to familiarize yourself with the conventions of Shakespeare's language. You will need the following notesheet to guide your exploration of the author's language. Make a copy of it in your Google Drive (File / Make a copy) and name it Lastname_Step3. Take notes digitally and submit it on the Evaluation page.

Download Step 3 Guide

Iambic Pentameter

Like his sonnets, Shakespeare's plays are mostly written in iambic pentameter. Check out this video from on iambs, meter, feet, and iambic pentameter titled.

Prose vs. Verse

While most of Shakespeare's plays are in a meter, he doesn't always write that way (in verse). Part of his creative genius is his purposeful shift between verse and prose. After viewing the Prezi, check out this Shakes Sphere article for more functions of verse and prose.

Metaphors and More

Check out this article from BBC's Higher Ed Bitesize. It explores Shakespeare's use of imagery, metaphor, ambiguity and more in Macbeth.

Conclusion to Step 3: The Language

So you've been introduced to iambic pentameter, prose vs. verse, and Shakespeare's use of figurative language in Macbeth. As you read the story, pay attention to shifts in language: When do characters speak in verse? When in prose? Which characters rhyme and why? And when are shared lines used significantly? As a final feature for this section, the following video is optional. If you're interested, check it out or click the button to move to the next section, Studying the Play, which encapsulates steps 4 and 5.

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The Hip Hop of Shakespeare