
Feminism Gone Too Far?

svgFebruary 15, 2019FamilyStudentBlogger

Now Calm Down

Yes, you did read the title correctly. And no, just let me explain. There is a term; FemiNazi, which refers to the radical and extremists who claim feminism. These are the insane people who say that all men are trash and say that they should die. Well in case you weren’t aware, that’s mass genocide and not at all okay in any way, shape, or form.  Those are the crazy people who, when even looked at by a man, will start screaming at them for sexually harassing them. He didn’t, you’re just crazy, calm down.

These people are the reason that so many people disassociate with feminism because they don’t want to be labeled as insane.

Being Unaware

After claiming to be Feminists, women will go against what they say they believe in.  Feminism is believing that men and women are equal. Many people are trying to “stand up for women” by taking down all of the oppression by men. A prime example of this was a video by the Daily Mail where a woman threw a bleach-like substance from a bottle onto men’s crotches for man-spreading. They are simulating a chemical assault on men for simply being in a comfortable sitting position. Common reasoning for them to object this particular sitting position is that they are being oblivious to the space they are taking up because they are men. Just because they are causing a small irritation to you, there is no reason to take drastic action like that.

Youtuber FPS Deisel, who reported on this in his This Woman Will Put  A Stop To All Men video, in a vulgar way saying, [perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“What if I started spraying Febreze up your c**chie because it smells like Arby’s Lenten and fish meats”.[/perfectpullquote]

Now saying or doing something like this to one of these women is offensive andwrong, and yet this is very similar to what they do to men.

Many FemiNazis will try to get their points across to the public in such extreme ways that they contradict themselves.

Kate Leth

One good example of FemiNAZI hypocrisy is a writer for the show High Garden Spice, Kate Leth, who has been called out for her sexist comment and her attitude toward the death of her boyfriend, who was married. She is constantly claiming that she is a feminist and yet her biggest scandal was her degrading behavior which doesn’t fit with feminism at all.

She was constantly claiming to be a feminist while tweeting things like [perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“We’re trying to decide on a slogan for 2015. Torn between ‘why not’ and ‘nothing’s weird’ but my vote’s still for ‘kill all men’”[/perfectpullquote]

and ‘Oh right because men NEVER get harassed’”.

Her general attitude towards men is just constant bullying and disgust. She is constantly viewing herself as better than men in every way.


Going back to Kate Leth, many femiNazis will make very hypocritical comments. An example of this is when Leth tweeted out “Don’t call waitresses sweetie or I will want so badly to skin you alive”, and yet she tweeted about her tattoo artist saying, “My tattoo artist is such a BABE”. So according to her, men cannot make a sexualized comment towards women, but if women make a similar comment towards men, this is acceptable.


In the Buzzfeed video, We Painted With Our Period Blood women collect their menstrual blood in mason jars and at the end of their period they used them to paint. Pretty self-explanatory and very putrid and disgusting. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention state in a Q&A post that [perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]certain bloodborne viruses can live for days outside the body and still cause infection. Hepatitis B virus can live in dried blood for up to a week.”[/perfectpullquote]

  and that areas that have been exposed to blood “can expose you to a bloodborne disease through cross-contamination”. So these girls were risking exposing themselves to disease for a hypocritical social statement. Menstrual blood is a body fluid coming from an organ used for reproduction, and so is semen. If a group of men had gathered their semen and started to paint with it, they would say it is disgusting, and yet when they do it, it’s empowering.

 An RT article reports on a situation at a New York University where a 66-year old Professor was accused of sexual Assult by a Ph.D. student. Many Feminist defended her because she has been very influential. The main argument is that she was influential, and yet if you were to say that about Harvey Weinstein, you are a despicable person. Something that these people refuse to admit is men can be victims, and women can be abusers. If roles were reversed, this man would be taken down and pushed down so far to the point where they couldn’t show their face to the world again.

Feminists Aren’t All That Bad

If you are a feminist, that’s just fine, but it’s the people who go to the extreme. On Debate.org, there was a poll asking “Are Women Taking Feminism too far?” and one user  JMan1424, who voted yes brought up in their post “Feminism is meant to be about equality of women as compared to men, but these people are not for equality. They simply wish to use the feminist platform to spue their propaganda and dogmas. If anyone disagrees with them, then the extremists can make the claim that you’re against equality,’ and no one wants to be labeled as someone who isn’t for equality.” He brings up a good point about who are the bad ones in this situation. Not all Feminists are bad, and so many are fighting the good fight. Yet the ones who get a lot of the attention are the very vocal minority are the ones who get all the attention. The reason that these people need to be stopped is that they are creating a bad reputation for the groups of people fighting for equal rights for everyone.

One example of a good feminist is Malala, a Middle Eastern girl who is fighting for girls to have an education. On October 9th, 2012 she was shot in the head for speaking out. She miraculously survived and continues to speak out and is now going to Oxford. She wants girls to have the right to go to school as boys do in poorer countries. And there is Angela Davis who was a powerful voice in the Civil Rights Movement.


Featured Image by: Bring Back Words | Flickr


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  • Molly

    February 21, 2019 / at 9:08 amsvgReply

    Although the point about people defending a woman accused of sexual assault is strong and very maddening, I find it a bit ridiculous to compare a woman accused of one single assault to Harvey Weinstein, a man accused of sexual assault by more than 80 women spanning over thirty years.

  • Brooklyn

    February 19, 2019 / at 8:37 amsvgReply

    I wish the ending gave a little more of a story to end it, but the rest was very informative and had a lot of very good examples.

  • Heaven

    February 15, 2019 / at 12:24 pmsvgReply

    It was kinda an abrupt ending and I wanted to read more. I loved it and I thought you brought up some very good points and you made sure the reader knew that you aren’t against feminist.

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    Feminism Gone Too Far?