“The Labor Department reports that nearly 5,000 American workers die from workplace accidents each year. Ninety percent, more than 4,400, are male. We are often reminded that only 24 women are CEOs of the Fortune 500. But what about the Unfortunate 4,400?” -Christina Hoff Sommers in a 2016 Time magazine article.
Have those 4,400 men every been brought to your attention? No probably not.
This is because that’s how you were set up to see it, that men have always been privileged and women are always getting the short end of the stick. But I’d say the men doing the backbreaking, and very dangerous jobs including roofers, loggers, and coal miners are probably wondering where all of their privilege is.
This is just one example of how we’ve all been mislead by some feminists and their “facts”. In this article I will be covering a few more of these myths that will change the way you view feminism and the way feminists have displayed men.
First, the big one, the wage gap.
The Wage Gap
We’ve all heard it, “Women only make 77 cents to every man’s 1 dollar” and to be honest it’s a pretty startling statistic. To think that women make 77% of what men make, that’s pretty bad.
BUT although this statistic is true, it does not account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure or hours worked per week. The wage gap is only the difference in full time workers pay, and it has nothing to do with the job they are getting payed for. So, because most women often choose different occupations, they earn different

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wages. Researchers have a name for this, it is called gender occupational segregation, examples of the most common occupations for women according to the United States Department of Labor are elementary and middle school teachers and registered nurses. While the most common jobs for men are managers and truck drivers. According to Indeed added together the averages of the men’s 2 most common jobs is $151,156 and the women’s 2 most common jobs is $117,356. These amounts of annual pay have nothing to do with gender and are completely based on occupations that men and women pick.
The 1 in 5 Statistic
Another largely misleading myth that feminists repeatedly use is that 1 in 5 women in college are raped (by men). But what is disturbing about this figure is not just the rate of occurrence, but also the widespread misunderstanding about where the actual numbers come from. The estimated 19% (about 1 in 5) sexual assault rate among college women is based on a survey at two large four-year universities, which does not accurately reflect our nation’s colleges overall.
Some feminists and women also frequently group all men into one general category, especially when talking about rape. In a 2016 video by Boldly, also known as BuzzfeedYellow, a group of women ask 36 questions to men. One of these questions being, “Why do you feel like it’s okay to harass women or make offensive comments?”. Another question was, “Why is it your first instinct to doubt women who have been sexually violated or raped?”. These questions are deceiving and only apply to a small part of the male population. Most men support women that are sexually assaulted and violated, and men that harass women aren’t easy to come by. Additionally the saying is, and always will be, “innocent until proven guilty” so, assuming the woman is telling the truth without evidence, is not the right thing to do.
Although the 1 in 5 statistic is not true for all colleges it is still an awful fact. Change is needed immediately and the amount of occurrences of rape and sexual assault in these large universities isn’t acceptable. I am not attempting to play down rape at all, it is a traumatic event for a person to go through, I am only exposing where the 1/5 statistic comes from and how feminists have made you perceive it.
As of recently it has been proven how prevalent the problem of rape and sexual misconduct are in the world, especially in Hollywood. One example of this is Harvey Weinstein, a producer who has been exposed to many allegations of sexual assault. He used his power as a famous movie producer to take advantage of many actresses. These women have finally taken a stand showing the world their strength and courage, and proving they have a voice.

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The definition of manspreading is “the practice where a man adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat”. The reason feminists often say men “manspread” is because these men want to establish superiority and have egos so large they can’t give women a seat on the bus or train. But two writers, Ash Bennington and Mark Skinner calculated that the average man’s shoulders are “28 percent wider than his hips, and the average woman’s shoulders are 3 percent wider than her hips, and men and women have, on average, similar sized hips”, meaning men have larger shoulders. So a man’s knees function like a cat’s whiskers, testing the width of his seat’s area to see if there’s enough room for his comparatively wider shoulders to fit. Another logical reason for manspreading is that men, obviously, have different genitalia than women. And a scrunched up position is rather uncomfortable.
Although this is all true, most men would have the decency to be a little squished for a bus or train ride. Those who are unwilling, are just selfish. And if you find a man who is manspreading, ask him politely to change his position, and most would comply and apologize.
Feminism is a movement that is based on the idea of improving the living standards and social strength of women, But some individual feminists and groups have changed what feminism is and what it means to be a feminist by creating untrue and false facts. In addition to these skewed and wrong facts some feminists believe that in order to gain a better life they need to try and put men to a lower level instead of raising their own selves to a higher one. So please to the feminists reading this, before you comment angrily, reflect on the type of feminist you are. Analyze if you are improving yourself to be the best person you can be, instead of attempting to try and make men out to be the enemy.
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Vladimir Putin
That’s why I don’t let feminists in my country,
Вот почему я не допускаю феминисток в моей стране
I plugged two sources for you debunking the wage gap. One is a video made in 2016, the other an online article debunking the wage gap. The wage gap myth has been debunked so many times now I’m honestly surprised anyone still believes it exists. If you don’t believe me or my two sources I have provided you, feel free to google the wage gap and do your own research.
(The same myth is applicable to the 1 in 5 rape statistic.) Again, feel free to do your own research.
Overall, congratulations on making a point to recognize the other side of your argument. I’m glad you put in the part about #metoo. I agree with your argument about the radical side of feminism that often dominates modern day protests and the feminist movement as a whole that twists the definition of feminism itself. However, I feel like it would’ve been necessary to elaborate on other statistics other than the skewed ones that are often displayed in media today, but I understand this post specifically focused on fake/skewed stats. For example, the 1 in 5 statistic may be fake, but according to RAINN, 1 in 6 women have been sexually harassed in some way in their lifetime. When you said “men who harass women aren’t easy to come by,” it doesn’t really seem that way when you look at stats and talk to women and girls. Heck, harassment even happens to girls our age in our school. Obviously not all guys are guilty of any part of this as some radical feminists may say, but this issue deserves massive attention, and I’m glad you elaborated on it in your post. Nice job!
https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence “(RAINN stats)
I understand that you are criticizing a specific sub-group of feminism, but there are feminists who are concerned about men’s well being as well. There have been feminist conversations about recognizing domestic violence towards men, and how gender norms about sexuality negatively impact men and women’s lives. Usually, people do not assume that men can experience such violence, and these are sexist misconceptions that harm men.
I do not agree with your stance on the wage gap but respect your beliefs. If you want to argue that the study used to show that the wage gap is not real because it does not account for different hours worked, you need to show me the location you found this in the original data, and link to it in your article.
I think women overreact about everything and this article proves that and how they need to be quiet and shut their mouths.
Seems like you are only aware of the feminists that seem to think they are better than men. I, a feminist for equality between sexes, am not about that life.
I’ll agree that there are some skewed statistics, but that isn’t just limited to feminism. To be fair, you also put your own bias and skewed statistics in this article. I’m not saying that’s wrong, this is an opinion article after all, but you should definitely review upon your words and your own actions. Buzzfeed is, surprisingly enough, a very left leaning source, and in that video they were attempting to make a point. Not all men sexually harass women, but the term “all men” is supposed to make them think “am I harassing women?” and “have I contributed to the harsh culture that surrounds women?” I am feminist, and I don’t think anything will ever change that, and I don’t think anything I can say will change your mind here. But, to use a source that you trusted enough to use in this article, according to Time Magazine’s “See Where Your State Falls in the Fight for Equal Pay,” Wyoming pays women the lowest percentage of men’s pay with only 71.6% Vermont, on the other hand, is the highest paying. It gives women 84.8% of a man’s salary, for the same job. I can’t prove that these statistics aren’t skewed, and you can check the article out for yourself if you would like. I just hope that you don’t see feminism as a bad thing because of these few people, after all, a true feminist fights for all people.
While I agree with the general gist of this article (women do many of these things and assume many of these things simply because it’s what the media has said a good feminist does) I do wish you would not have used the word feminist in your title and throughout your article. The definition of feminism is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” Real and true feminists do not do or believe what was listed in this article. While it may have become the face of feminism, it is not what the movement truly is or what it was meant to accomplish.
I think the point was that feminism today has taken a more radical route than before. Feminism originally meant equal right for women but based on their skewed statistics feminists today have changed their game.
Its inaccuracy is exactly why I used it. My goal was to expose these inaccuracies to you and tell you how you are being mislead. Next time just read the title to understand this.
I think that your message really jumped around a lot. I felt as if you contradicted what you were trying to prove, especially when you would prove a point then say “but…”. It made it seem like you were not completely sure that what you stated was right. I think the article also came off kind of harsh in the intro. My opinion is that there will always be extremists and liars, no matter the group. So pinpointing out extremists in a women’s movement really does not do anything for me. In the end, I believe ‘feminists’ are trying to do more good than bad.
I’m really confused as to what your stance is on this topic. You seem to contradict yourself a lot.
Also, if the 1 in 5 statistic is inaccurate and only based on collection from two colleges, then why did you use it?
He used it prove its inaccuracy. Feminists blatantly throw that number around everywhere, the blogger is finally calling attention to the statistic we’ve all heard to further the argument that feminists use many incorrect statistics to further their own agenda.