
Crystal Healing: Factual or Just a Rocky Intrigue

Dreamworks’ Kung Fu Panda 3 is a movie that follows a path of self identity with the family loving and comedic character Po. This lovable warrior panda departs on an adventure, reuniting with his long-lost father and discovering a hidden community of the last of the pandas. With the threat of Kai, the major antagonist, looming over the world, Po must learn from his ancestors, and newly found family, to master the art of Chi. In the Kung Fu Panda universe, “Chi” refers to the spiritual energy and life force of all living things that relates to kung fu. When the Dragon Warrior, Po, is able to master his Chi, he gains the immense power of his ancestors and defeats Kai, bringing peace to the world. This traditional Chinese concept of life directly relates to the modern method of crystal healing. The practice of crystal healing dates back to over 6,000 years ago to ancient times, and is based on ideas of spiritual energy, like Chi. We will be debunking the crystal healing conspiracy theory as well as investigating the validity of claims from “Do Healing Crystals Really Work” by Insider on the relations of chakras and vibrations of crystals and our body to our mental and physical health from “experts” on crystal healing.

Claim 1: “Energetic vibrations from crystals can balance the natural vibrations in our bodies to make us feel certain ways” (1:00 – 1:08)

Crystal healing is a popular, but not typical, medical practice that utilizes crystals or stones to cure and prevent sickness, both in physical and mental aspects. Those who practice this method believe that crystals are channels for healing. Allowing healing energy to stream into the body while disease-inducing energy is pushed out, similar to electromagnetic waves, balancing our energy. According to Timmie Horvath, founder of the Sacred Wellness School of Healing Arts, “[c]rystals possess some of the highest vibrational frequencies on earth, and simply being around crystals and setting your intention to attune to their vibration can have a profound effect on your health and wellbeing” (“How to Cleanse Your Chakras Using Crystals”). The practice of Reiki, another name for crystal healing, is believed to be able to encourage positive feelings within ourselves by utilizing and directing the life force of the universe. As believed by Tanya Corona, a crystal therapist in San Francisco, crystals are “inherently programmable, [and by using] the individual aspect of energetic work […] encourages people interested in healing stones to open a line of communication with the crystal itself [so you can] set intentions for its use” (“A Guide to Healing Stones”). Through this you can then lessen your negative symptoms, like stress or anxiety, and encourage creativity, happiness, self-awareness, and much more. But although this practice is very popular among society, it is referred to as a pseudoscience by many doctors and scientists. This is because there is no solid evidence on the impact of crystals on diseases, as these illnesses have never resulted from this supposed energy stream. Despite this lack of proof, this method is practiced in many popular healing spas, health clinics, and is incorporated into massage practices. During crystal healing sessions, the crystal healer places multiple crystals on specific spots of your body, depending on your symptoms and which center of spiritual power this corresponds with.

Claim 2: “Different vibrations of the crystals are used to correlate to different energy centers” (4:28 – 4:33)

Chakras, or the center of spiritual energy in our bodies, correspond with the different systems of our bodies, like nerve bundles or major organs. This is the base of crystal healing, and encourages improvement and openness in our minds and bodies, acting as conduits to receive the vibrations from crystals and stones. According to Timmie Horvath, many negative symptoms that are experienced and fixed through the practice of Reiki, are a result of our Chakras becoming blocked: “our chakras can even become blocked causing all sorts of symptoms, such as physical pain or feelings of depression” (“How to Cleanse Your Chakras Using Crystals”). Chakras are said to deplete and start to perform poorly as time goes on, as well as a result of traumatic events, and poor self care, requiring fixing to prevent negative symptoms. We each have 7 main chakras along our spine, but how will you know which energy center needs to be unblocked? This supposably depends on your symptoms, each chakras is responsible for a certain array of feelings and sensations. The root chakra, also called Muladhara, is located at the bottom of your spine and is in charge of your sense of safety or stability. The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is below your belly button and impacts your creativity as well as your emotions. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for your feelings of confidence and the control you have over your life. This chakra is also called Manipura and is located within your stomach area. Then there is the heart chakra, Anahata, which is unsurprisingly near your heart and impacts your ability to show both compassion and love. The other 3 main chakras are the throat, third eye, and crown, connecting to your ability to communicate verbally, your intuition or imagination, and your spiritual connection to not only yourself but also others. Whichever area you feel is lacking, or experiences a depletion of the flow of energy, is often the chakra that is blocked. Not only can these energy centers become blocked, but they can also be overactive. When this occurs, the elements that this chakra is responsible for can become dominant and cause an imbalance in the energy system. Leading to emotional imbalance, anger, and further negative behaviors. When a chakra is out of balance, the parts of your body that are near the chakra, like your lower back, stomach, throat, and more, can also feel the impact, not just your emotions: “[The] location of the chakra that’s out of balance may affect the parts of your body in close proximity to that chakra [including] your organs, bones, joints, and tissues” (“A Beginner’s Guide to the 7 Chakras and Their Meanings”). There are many factors that can lead to imbalances or the blocking of chakras. Like overwhelming emotions, such as too much stress, or bad daily habits like poor posture, eating habits, or and self destructive actions. If this imbalance continues on for a period of time, this can lead to problems with mental health. To ensure that your chakras remain in balance, it is important to practice yoga, breathing exercises, meditation and much more. During crystal healing practices, the crystals or stones are placed in these different chakras zones. The crystals that are placed are chosen by which chakra is being focused on, and which kinds, or colors, of crystals are used in that center. For example, the crown chakra corresponds with violet or white stones, like amethyst or clear quartz, while the third eye chakra connects with indigo crystals, like angelite or turquoise. Different crystals can even be placed on the palms of your hands, as large amounts of energy both enter and leave, from energy centers through these points.

Expert 1: Christopher French – leading expert on the psychology of paranormal beliefs, conducted study on healing crystals (4:48 – 5:39)

While crystal healing, or Reiki, is a method practiced worldwide, no medical practice goes without bringing skepticism. Crystal healing is no different. Many experts in areas involving the physical, mental, and emotional tendencies of humans, have shown their doubt in this conspiracy and have conducted experiments to prove their point. Christopher French, the head of the anomalistic psychology research section at the University of London, set up his own study on the possible relationship between crystal healing and the placebo effect. According to French, “[p]lacebo effects are effects that accompany a treatment that are not directly due to the treatment itself acting on the disease of the patient” (“Crystal Healing: Stone-Cold Facts About Gemstone Treatments”). The placebo effect is present when there is a seemingly positive impact on a person’s health in any aspect after taking a placebo, which in this case would be practicing Reiki. This effect is triggered when the person undergoing a placebo expects or genuinely believes that the practice will benefit them, instead of the characteristic or the proof of the placebo itself. Placebos become very real and truthful to some, like those who feel the effects of crystal healing, because of many different aspects. One being altered perception. This is when a person’s interpretation of their own feelings or symptoms change or flip, as they expect they will feel better. Another example of this is self-limiting disorders and the doctor-patient relationship. A self limiting disorder is where the symptoms that the person was feeling prior to crystal healing, would eventually be fixed on it’s own without any treatment, and the end of symptoms after this practice was merely a coincidence. Someone may also feel inclined to believe in a placebo if they have a good relationship with the doctor or healer, as they will be more likely to believe in the impact of the placebo. These ideas, and more, could all be reasons towards the widespread belief in crystal healing, and were kept in mind when Christopher French conducted his study with 80 participants. Each participant had their responses recorded after meditating with a crystal for five minutes. But what they didn’t know was that some participants weren’t given a real crystal, they were given a fake. Many of the people taking part in the study claimed they felt both a warm sensation and overall well being. No matter if they were holding a real crystal or not. French explains, “[t]here is no evidence that crystal healing works over and above a placebo effect […] [t]hat is the appropriate standard to judge any form of treatment. But whether or not you judge crystal healing, or any other form of [complementary and alternative medicine], to be totally worthless depends upon your attitude to placebo effects” (“Crystal Healing: Stone-Cold Facts About Gemstone Treatments”).

Claim 3: “Rose quartz is said to open our hearts to love and crystal healers claim amethyst brings calming sensations” (1:09 – 1:15)

Even though there is no proof on the effects of Reiki, there are thousands of claims and statements to back up ideas on this conspiracy. There are hundreds of different crystals throughout the world, and each and every one of them are believed to possess their own healing capabilities to encourage good energy and ward off negative energy, as believed by practitioners.. According to Emily Rekstis, a lifestyle writer, “[t]he key to indulging in this self-care experience is mindfulness, reflection, and acceptance [and] a person’s mind may have much more healing power than it’s given credit” (“Healing Crystals 101”). Many popular crystals, some that you have most likely heard of, are utilized in Reiki practices everyday because of their specific healing tendencies. Clear quartz, also known as the master healer, is believed to increase your flow of energy, as well as improve your concentration and memory. Quartz is also said to help your immune system and focuses on balance. Jasper, the supreme nurturer, focuses on empowerment and helps to relieve stress, and promote courage and quick thinking. Tigers eye, a harmonizing stone, aids in forcing out negative energy like fear or anxiety, and encourages harmony or balance. Another crystal utilized in Reiki practices is citrine. This stone focuses on optimism and promotes enthusiasm, joy, creativity, concentration, and more. Crystals are even claimed to be able to encourage idealism and selflessness, and help rid the body of irritability and impatience like the bloodstone, whose focus is on strengthening. With so many different crystals in existence around the world, how do crystal healers choose which one best suits the customer? When choosing a crystal the person must define what exact aspects are lacking in their life, emotionally and mentally. This can help indicate what kinds of crystal will be beneficial, but it is also claimed by Rekstis, that “whether a crystal catches your eye or you can feel a physical pull toward one, your inner subconscious will help guide you to the crystal that’s right for you” (“Healing Crystals 101”). These different crystals aren’t only used in crystal healing practices in meditation, but can also be worn as talismans, jewelry, prayer beads, and can even be placed under your pillow. The effect is claimed to be the same. But no matter what crystal is chosen, and how it is used, the stone must also be cleansed. When using any kind of stone for crystal healing or to help rid yourself of any negative energy, this negative energy is then absorbed by the crystal. It is necessary for this absorbance to be cleansed before using again or it could have negative, or no effects. Crystals can be cleansed in multiple different ways and can be done right in your household. To rid your crystal of all negative energy, it can be rinsed with cool tap water or run under a natural water source, with sea salt and even incense or burning sage. 

Expert 2: Dr. Robert Lavinsky (2:01 – 2:50)

Dr. Robert “Rob” Lavinsky, a major dealer in the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, or TGMS, is an expert on crystals and minerals. Dr. Lavinsky has a doctorate in science, and started his career through a website that provided info and sold many different kinds of minerals. He has worked with many organizations, like the Nature Exchange Program, for multiple years and has been involved with the TGMS for over twenty years. His career grew as he was able to explore and study this area of expertise, gaining as much knowledge and understanding as he could. Dr. Lavinsky is now the founder of the world’s largest showcase for Fine Minerals at an Art & Asset class level, in a 20,000 square foot facility with over 8,000 square feet featuring crystals and fine minerals. This mineral and crystal expert gave his scientific opinion of the pseudoscience of crystal healing: “What I’m thinking you feel is your own body’s electric field, what some people would call the aura, perhaps going into the crystal and coming back out in some kind of a bio-feedback loop or some kind of reflection of your energy through the crystal in a way that I cannot explain scientifically” (“Meet Dr. Robert Lavinsky of The Arkenstone Gallery of Fine Minerals”). Dr. Robert Lavinsky introduces this theory, and there is a clear point that this conspiracy cannot be scientifically backed up. Even though humans may be able to pick up on their own “auras”, there is no proof that crystals are able to balance or impact this in any way. There continues to be no scientific evidence that the wonders of crystal healing are genuine and really encourage healing. 

Crystal healing is a false medical healing method that is based on the mind, and the mind alone. Through the placebo effect, “crystal healers” are able to convince their patients into believing in the practices claimed positive influence. When in reality, there is no scientific evidence or proof that calm sessions of meditation and other similar ways of practice impact the body or mind or emotions in any way. Despite the results of experiments or studies with the purpose of debunking this conspiracy theory or the opinions of professionals in science against this practice, believers still insist on performing crystal healing rituals. And as a result, crystal healing will continue to be a medical practice throughout the nation, regardless of the lack of affirmation on this pseudoscience. And he argument will continue to flourish, as a fight between the placebo theory, and scientific discovery.

Featured image is screenshotted from “Do Healing Crystals Really Work?” by Insider


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    Crystal Healing: Factual or Just a Rocky Intrigue