
The Bright Truth Behind the Lenses


The first pair of sunglasses that were ever invented were made of smoked quartz to block out the sun. These sunglasses first originated in China but later spread out around the world. Around the 18th Century, the United States got introduced to sunglasses. During this time and the 19th Century, sunglasses were used more so for fashion. Starting in the 20th century, people began to see more and more benefits with wearing them. While many people during this era liked sunglasses, others didn’t. Andreas Moritz published a video in 2011 with the title “Wearing Sunglasses is Not A Good Idea.” The YouTuber made claims that weren’t backed up by science throughout the video. Contrary to the video, wearing sunglasses has many health benefits. 

“Sunglasses are not a good idea if you want to optimally make sure your body is getting supplied Vitamin D” (0:10) 

Andreas Moritz claims that it is best if people don’t wear sunglasses because it can optimally harm you, if you do. Other organizations also believe that this behavior can lead to health problems. The organization Veritasnaut explains that sunglasses most likely have a negative impact on your health. While other organizations also agree with Andreas, there are way more that disagree. Piedmont health care states that “Sunglasses are necessary year-round” (Piedmont). Medical News Today states that the skin is where vitamin D gets supplied the most; “The skin produces more vitamin D” (Barrell). With this information, it tells readers that even when covering your eyes, you’re still getting supplied Vitamin D through the skin. With this information, it shows that your body can still get optimally supplied Vitamin D.

“Our eyes are perfectly capable of dealing with sun exposure” (2:36)

Throughout the video, Adreas Moritz tells the viewers how their eyes are perfectly fine and don’t need any help in any situation, hence sunglasses. Dr. Rebecca Taylor is a Nashville-based ophthalmologist and a clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. In the article published by Time Heid Markham explains ““[w]hen you don’t wear protection, ultraviolet radiation you cannot see is penetrating the eye, and the eye structures are very sensitive to it.“ From a different news outlet, USC Roski Eye Institute go further into explaining that you can potentially be at risk to develop Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Pterygiums, and Dry Eye; “Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, specifically UV-A and UV-B radiation, have serious and sometimes irreversible effects on the appearance and function of your eyes.” Study after study shows that everyone’s eyes are not “perfectly capable of dealing with sun exposure.” 

Andreas Moritz explains reasons why sunglasses are bad for you ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcECDs0cusM&t=1s )

 “Wearing sunglasses can eventually make you produce melanin because the brain thinks it’s “dark” out which could cause your skin to get harmed more” (0:55)

Contrary to this quote, sunglasses do have benefits while people wear them. Piedmont healthcare states that  “sunglasses also help protect delicate skin around the eyes from aging. eyelid skin is the thinnest skin on our body and it’s more at risk for sunlight damage.” To add onto this topic, MedicineNet gives further reasoning that “Melanin gives the skin its color. More melanin, the darker the skin. It also serves as a protection layer from the deadly UV rays of the sun. Without it, skin diseases and cancer would be common. When you are falsifying the brain by wearing sunglasses, melanin isn’t produced.” These two facts from Piedmont and MedicineNet, tells readers that wearing sunglasses doesn’t harm your skin, and it doesn’t produce melanin. 

Andreas Moritz

Adreas Moritz was an author, lecturer and practitioner in the field of Alternative and Integrative Medicine. In the article by Reach, they explain Andreas’s “primary premise, which dates back to the founders of medicine (the Ayurvedic Tradition) is that the body never works against itself.” The craziest thing is that Andreas believes cancer is not a disease but it is in fact a survival mechanism! With Andreas stating these claims it shows readers that he has very extreme thoughts. The EnerChiTV Library of Andreas Moritz Videos on Health & Wellness consists of more than 220 videos and interviews that cover a wide range of Andreas’ teachings on many different subjects. He has roughly sixty-three thousand subscribers on youtube and has made many interesting videos. A few of them are “Air Conditioning Can Cause Cardiovascular Problems, Avoid Body Scanners at Airports, Avoid Eating Raw eggs or Cooked, and Anger is Useful Energy.” By just explaining Andreas Moritz and what videos he makes, shows that he is not to be trusted with his thoughts and claims.  

Andreas Moritz Organization (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcECDs0cusM&t=1s)

“I advise anyone anyone [who is] used to wearing sunglasses too infrequently use them, only use them when it’s absolutely necessary” (2:15)

Throughout the video, Andreas states that sunglasses should only be used once in a while. Piedmont healthcare explains “whether it’s winter or summer, cloudy or sunny, you’re always subject to ultraviolet exposure. Snow can also reflect sunlight, so if you’re hitting the ski slopes this winter, don’t forget your sunglasses. Excessive UV exposure can lead to a corneal burn.”  If readers follow Andreas’ claims, it would not be beneficial for them because Omaha Eye Care explains “ that a number of eye cancers are associated with extreme exposure to UV radiation. You can lower your risk if you wear sunglasses that protect against UVB and UVA radiation completely.” With this in mind, you shouldn’t wear sunglasses only when it’s needed, but instead all the time. 


Ultimately, Andreas Moritz goes with the theme that “normal is better and more natural.” Sometimes this can be true but on this topic, it isn’t. Not choosing to wear sunglasses can really affect your health in many aspects. The main reason is that it poses a threat to your eyes, eventually making them able to see worse and worse. Contrary to the video, wearing sunglasses can be very beneficial.

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    The Bright Truth Behind the Lenses