I’m going to be honest with you, never have I been a person who looks at children and awes, they do not have the cute effect on me and it is doubtful they ever will. I do not plan on having my own children for many reasons, a main one being that I could not deal with them on the daily, however for many that is not the case. There are people out there that will give anything for their children, there are people out there that will lose everything to stand for a child they have not even met. Hats off to those people, if you are one of them honestly, you have my respect.
Ending the argument..
Abortion is not to be seen as murder anymore, today is the day that we are going to change how the world sees abortion, for it is not murder, but really the better option for many impregnated women. Women seek abortion for a variety of different reasons and it is never an easy decision when one decides to terminate a pregnancy. Some individuals hold the same opinion as mine, they would make an unfit guardian for their personality is not suited to children, others are too young, some lack the resources and experience in order to successfully raise a child. Regardless of the reasoning who are we to tell women what they must put their body through? What entitles the government to state whether or not 9 months of your life will be spent in pain? Why do they get to choose? Ultimately, when the government or other individuals argue that abortion should be illegal the choice is taken away from a women on what to do with her body, therefore destroying a large majority of the rights that women have worked so hard to achieve.
The wrongs of abortion..
Now please, sit here, tell me how wrong I am. Tell me that abortion is wrong because it is murder, tell me that the fetus feels pain during this process, tell me that it practices the incorrect theory that human lives are disposable. Or my personal favorite, try and tell me that a woman who has become pregnant should need to deal with the consequences of raising a child. All of which are proclaimed arguments for many pro life supporters, all of which are also dead arguments that quite simply should not exist.
Legalizing murder..
Abortion in many minds is murder, however according to the actual definition of murder one must simply be alive to be killed. And according to CDC personhood begins after the fetus is able to survive outside of the womb rather than at conception. Therefore at the point at which most abortions take place

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murder can not describe the act that is taking place, for the fetus is not yet viable. It is now considered to be around 24 weeks that the fetus is able to survive outside of the womb, the 23 week mark brings forth a 20-35 percent of survival in most American hospitals. The developmental stage that the fetus is at during the time of the termination also impacts the level of which they can recognize and feel pain. A strong argument for pro life supporters is that the fetus can experience a painful experience during the process of the termination however it is believed by many credible neuroscientists that the brain must possess a cortex in order to identify and perceive pain. This vital piece of the brain for this argument is not fully functional until 26 weeks into the pregnancy at the earliest. Both of these previous arguments only apply for abortions later into the pregnancy, if at all. It is within the 20 week period that complications and ethical issues begin to come into play. However 96% of abortions occur before 20 weeks into the pregnancy, 92% happen before or at 14 weeks.
Encouraging poor ethics..
Ethically there is no conflict with abortions when looking at them the way that the majority of women receive them at. To use “facts” and “science” that can not be backed up or even applied to many abortion cases is a pathetic way to support an argument and only emphasizes the fact that our world is truly uneducated about this topic.
There are people out there who will not even bother using science to support why they feel abortions are so wrong, instead they opt to attacking personal values and questioning human will, nice.
Mentioned above are two arguments that hardly even scratch the surface as to how deeply pro life supporters will dig into a person, degrading them for choosing to terminate a pregnancy. First is the lovely, tactful statement that typically go along the lines of practicing the thought process that human are disposable. A bit harsh I might say, also rather dramatic and technically incorrect. It has already been discussed that when the termination occurs the fetus is not describable as “human” in fact, if you were to remove it from the womb, it would die all on it’s own.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]The simple fact that the fetus is referenced as an “it” alone should show that society as a whole does not accept or recognize fetuses as humans.[/perfectpullquote]
God’s definition..
Many pro-life activists commonly turn towards the bible when biasing their arguments. Psalm 22:10, ¨From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God. This passage straight from the bible states that although at birth it is when ones religious journey truly begins, God is with you while in the womb as well. Pro-life activists then see abortion as destroying a relationship with God, taking one of his children away from him. Many Catholic followers are taught that from conception a fetus qualifies as a viable being. Knowing this they immediately see the wrongs in abortion for it is killing a child of God, after reaching this conclusion many shut down and are opposed to any other explanation. In a survey conducted it was even stated that, “As a Catholic, it’s always been said that a fetus is considered a life at conception. So that’s what I’ve always believed. I am not super educated on this subject, however.” Being true to your beliefs is one thing, but shutting out straight facts due to one religious teaching is completely different and allows a naive opinion in a very complex situation. Perhaps it is true that abortions go against the teachings of various religious groups, but perhaps those teachings tackle situations on a broader spectrum. [perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Never in the bible does it state that, “God thinks abortions are bad” nor does it shame upon women who choose the path of terminating a pregnancy.[/perfectpullquote]
In fact the bible praises women who follow their path the way they see best fit. The bible empowers women to choose for themselves and reassures them that regardless of their decisions, God will support them. Joshua 1:9 reads: “Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Better than the alternative..
Those who seek out abortions do so for a reason, that reason is no more complicated than they simply do not want a child at that point in their life. Unwanted children and unplanned births are often directly in correspondence to child abuse. David A. Grimes, author and pro abortion influencer writes, “In families with two unplanned births, children are twice as likely to be victims of abuse as are children in families without an unplanned birth”. Twice as likely. That is two times the chance that a child be put through hell their entire life both mentally and physically. I say mentally because aside from the fact that their parents choose to neglect and abuse them they also must deal with the jarring fact that they are not wanted in this world by the person who brought them into it. In Oklahoma twin girls of Aislyn Miller and Kevin Fowler were involved in “the worst case of child abuse police had ever seen”. Their daughters at only nine months old weighed only eight pounds when they were rushed to the hospital for their condition. The home in which these girls lived was filled with disease, police found maggots in the infants playpens! 130 sentenced years in jail is what these parents received rather than receiving an abortion 18 months prior. The parents had felt “overwhelmed” being so young at age 24 and 25 and being faced with twins, so they resulted to neglect. They left their children in their bedroom which walls were covered in cat feces and allowed the young girls to rot away. One of the girls had the cat’s waste jammed in her ear creating a severe infection. Doctors who came in contact with the infants described them as “skeletons” and found it a miracle they were still alive. Had these young parents decided to go through with an abortion they would still be free, 130 years of their lives would be restored, and their young children would have been saved from the horrors of life that they were faced with right out of the womb.
Opening up to accepting abortion into society..

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Asking to change someone’s personal beliefs and morals is unfair and likely highly ineffective. For years both sides of the debate have fired back and forth with why abortions should be illegal, what harm they are doing to our society, and of course the opposing side to that. Today we stop the back and forth bickering. Today we look at society and question why we feel the need to put each other down for making a choice that is rightfully their personal decision to make, no one else’s. No more debate, no more hatred, when our constitution was established in 1787 the United States gave its citizens the freedom of speech. Rather than using that right to bring negative into the world women have chosen to utilize their rights to choose what is best for them as well as the fetus they carry. September 17, 1787 should’ve marked the last day of this discussion, why it is still continues today is baffling and unacceptable. A quarter of American women will receive an abortion by the age of 45, that means that when we shame abortions we shame abortion we shame 39,250,000 individuals. Stop with the hate, stop putting down nearly 40 million people each year, let’s lift them up and show support for them as they endure such a difficult decision. It is the women’s right, the women’s choice, and the women’s body. Not yours.
You rarely hear of an expecting person wait full-term and decided, Oh, after 24+ weeks of carrying this baby/babies I no longer want them. In the high 90’s range percentile of late term abortions, it is because the mothers or babies life and well-being (health and non-health wise) is in jeopardy. For the other small portion of people who do have late-term abortions, although I don’t agree with it, it is not my place to tell a person what and what not to do with their body. In my belief of allowing all abortions to be legal, I respect both of my morals. 1. This abortion does not affect me, therefor my opinion on non-jeopardizing late term abortions is not tainted. 2. I am respecting another persons choices politely.
You talk about the mass amounts of women who are unintentionally getting pregnant, but you don’t mention the reason for these alarming numbers. Many women in America are impregnated against their will, and that is absolutely disgusting. Most people have no objection to those women getting abortions, including myself. However, there are also many women who get pregnant through consensual sex with a man. Not only is this a choice of the woman, but it is also a choice of the man, and both have a say in the start of a pregnancy. I think we could do something to lower the number of unwanted pregnancies, such as creating more programs to teach kids the dangers of having sex. Instead of mindlessing arguing for years about this topic, let’s try to find a solution. What’s your solution?
Yes there are 8 states that have legalized this now (which out of 50 is a rather small percentage). These states are Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and Vermont as well as Washington D.C. However this blog is not written to support abortions that take place after the second trimester, all I do is argue up to the point until the cortex has fully developed. If you read the “legalizing murder” piece of this post you would see that I specifically state my beliefs which support abortion until the fetus is viable outside of the womb. Those late term abortions are also typically given only to those who’s own health would be put at danger during the delivery, but that is up to you to decide where you stand.
There is full-term abortions now( in some states) so how do you explain killing a baby the day before its due?
New York and pending in Virginia is a law that allows for a woman to get an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy. However, you failed to mention that this is only in a scenario when the woman’s life is at risk, and it would be impossible for the fetus to live outside of the womb. There are not abortions occurring the day before the baby is born. Please do more research before making these sorts of claims.
Here: http://time.com/5527577/donald-trump-late-term-abortion-facts/
Also: https://www.factcheck.org/2019/02/addressing-new-yorks-new-abortion-law/
Finally: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/21/health/donald-trump-debate-late-abortion-remarks.html