[dropcap]I[/dropcap]magine getting killed by your spouse for them only to inherit your money.
Well, this happens more than you believe it would. In July, a CBS news article released that a woman named, Uloma Walker-Curry was convicted of murdering her husband for $100,000. After being tens of thousands in debt, almost in financial ruin. Causing her to ask her 17-year-old daughter and her boyfriend to find someone to kill her husband so she could collect the insurance money. Eventually, she found someone to commit the murder. It took over three years to finally rest the case when investigators found the scheme. But unfortunately, not all cases come to justice.

Photo by Wikimedia Commons
Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love
Kurt Cobain was born February 20, 1967, and grew up with a rough family life, his parents divorcing at age 9. He spent many years as a teen drinking and doing drugs. As well as not having a home for many years after not being able to live with his father or mother. He would either stay with a friend or, he would sleep in apartment building hallways and hospital waiting rooms. Later, getting arrested for spray painting buildings and once even found wandering around an abandoned building drunk. Although he was still drinking and doing drugs, he began to find outlets with an interest in music, writing, painting and drawing. He started expressing himself through music and in 1988, he created and became the frontman of the band, Nirvana. This was the start of not only his career, but the start of the grunge movement. In 1990, he met Courtney Love at the Satyricon club in Portland.
Courtney Love was born on July 9, 1964. She also had a rough home life with her parents divorcing when she was only 5. She was raised by her mother but was in a commune for several years. And in her early teens, she was in reform school for shoplifting. Then later becoming a stripper at age 16. In 1989, she formed the band Hole which grew to be relatively popular. After only a couple years together Cobain and Love married in 1992, following with their first child, Frances Bean. And soon Love’s addiction to heroin influenced Cobain, getting him addicted which soon spirals out of control.
Later, on April 8, 1994, an electrician found Kurt Cobain dead. People magazine states, on April 5th, he committed suicide with a 20-gauge shotgun at his guest house in Seattle. Cobain’s body was found with high traces of heroin and valium. Most believe that his drug habit was the reason he killed himself others think it was his depression getting the best of him because at the time he was suffering from mental illness.
But few believe different than both of these theories, that Courtney Love, his wife conspired his death. This is believed due to the evidence that was never investigated well enough to confirm it was suicide. This theory was created by Tom Grant the private investigator, who was hired by Courtney Love to find Cobain after his departure from drug rehabilitation.
The Conspiracy
Divorcing Love
Tom Grant states, When Kurt was found dead, he was in the process of leaving his wife and Seattle. She did know this. Weeks earlier she asked for the “meanest, most vicious divorce lawyer” she could find. So, therefore many believe that this was a motive to kill Cobain. Adding on to the fact that she would gain approximately 130 million after his death, inheriting his writing and publicising rights.
On March 18th, a fight broke out between the two and Courtney dialled 911 saying that “Kurt had locked himself inside a room with a gun and that he was feeling suicidal.” In an interview he stated, he was not suicidal and denied that he ever wanted to hurt himself as well as denying that he had a gun with him in the room.
Later, on April 4th Courtney reported a missing person’s report on Kurt, but she called in pretending to be Kurt’s mother. Not only did she say he was suicidal but that he had a gun, and she was scared for his safety; this statement has never been confirmed true.
It seems as if Courtney lied both of these incidents. Tom Grant claims, all others who knew Kurt personally
admit that he was happy, nowhere near depressed or suicidal at the time.
Someone was using Kurt’s Credit Card
Tom Grant confirms that one of Kurt’s credit cards was missing when he was found dead. But while Kurt was dead, they were still attempting to use the card, after the body was discovered the attempts stopped.
The Shotgun
In the movie, “Soaked in Bleach” it was stated that the shotgun used was purchased before Kurt left for rehab, not after he fled from rehab. His best friend even expressed how he bought it for him only for protection, that he would not have if he was depressed.
Also, the shotgun was fully loaded with three shells. It was loaded for protection, not suicide.
Then, there were no legible fingerprints found on the gun. In fact, it was not even checked for fingerprints until approximately a month after Cobain’s death.
In the movie “Soaked in Bleach” it was stated at the scene, the way the shotgun was placed in his hand and how the shell was laying on the ground on the opposite side it would have been, was physically impossible.
The “Suicide” Note
In the movie, “Soaked in Bleach” it was stated that the note the police found at the scene was immediately labelled “suicide note.” Although it is clear that it is not written to his wife and daughter about why he killed himself, that is what the police report says. It does not say anything whatsoever addressing him killing himself.
It is believed by Tom Grant that it was a note he wrote to leave the music industry and that it was not a suicide note. But at the end, there was a portion written to his wife and daughter which was suspicious therefore it was examined by many handwriting experts.
Another Note
In Tom Grant’s case outline, Courtney had another note in possession when Kurt’s body was found. She never told anyone about this note until it accidentally fell out months later during an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine. The note suggests that he was leaving Courtney not that he was going to commit suicide. In fact, this note was even more obvious which explains why it was kept from an investigation by Love.
When Cobain was found, his blood level was 1.52 milligrams per liter. This concludes that is was over 3 times the lethal amount! This means it would require an injection of 225 milligrams of heroin and even for a hardcore addict that is much higher than the normal dose.
Also, it is important to note that while on heroin, it is extremely hard to function and it is highly unlikely that he would have been able to write the suicide note found at the scene, as well as pull a trigger and commit suicide. Actually, with the amount he injected, he would have been incapacitated immediately, meaning he would not even be able to move.
And as Tom Grant states, “If Cobain injected himself with a deliberate heroin overdose, why would he ALSO shoot himself in the head with a shotgun, leaving his baby daughter – the love of his life – with horrific visual images to remember him by? Why not just “go to sleep” on the overdose and never wake up?”
How Reality views it
A Rolling Stone Article states that his friends knew that Cobain was in denial, he believed he never had a problem.Which is ironic because he was diagnosed with depression early on in high school. Then Danny Goldberg, concludes that many friends, family and associates were deeply concerned with his drug use and depression. He says, “I was involved in trying to get Kurt professional help on numerous occasions.” He also once stated, “Over the last few years of his life, Kurt saw innumerable doctors and therapists.”
Mood Swings
Many confirmed that he suffered from mood swings. Goldberg also concludes that “he was a walking time bomb, and nobody could do anything about it.” Butch Vig, who produced Nevermind states, “Kurt could just be very outgoing and funny and charming, and a half-hour later he would just go sit in the corner and be totally moody and uncommunicative.”
Before his death
Friends and family, weeks before his death attempted an intervention to detox his heroin use. Including, his wife threatening to leave him and his band members said they would break up the band if he would not check into rehab. He went for 2 days, then returned to Seattle on April 1st.
Then on April 5th, he locked himself in a room above his garage and shot himself.
Although this case was closed and was labelled suicide, several believe that it was a conspired murder, but the case was never re-opened or investigated again.
No matter the truth, it is certain that Kurt Cobain had a major impact on the grunge movement and will be forever remembered.