
The Republican Party is Wrong

 Post by RandC. Image By Thomas Hawk  

         The Republicans used to be the part of the little guy.  They ended slavery and were among the lead architects in engineering Theodore Roosevelt’s trust busting administration.  But then things started to go awry.  In the 1930s, the party was split in half between the liberals and the “old right”.  The liberals supported the new deal and the old right did not.  This marked the start of the decline in the Republican Party that concludes in the mess it is now.  By the time the 70s rolled around, the ideals of the democratic party and the Republican party had flipped and the last liberals left the party.  After Reaganomics and the Bush era, the party started to push further to the right.  This has culminated in the nomination of Donald Trump for president.

         The emergence of Donald Trump is a direct result of the emergence the tea party as dominant force in the far right of the party in the 2014 midterm elections.  Due to gerrymandering, the Republicans have taken the house and the senate and will likely continue to until fair elections are actually done.  This has led to a very conservative agenda of repealing obamacare over 60 times, trying to illegalize abortion, trying to build a wall to stop immigration, and nominating a complete idiot named Donald Trump for president.  These issues are many of which that Republicans have taken the wrong side on and will continue to be on until they start looking at the facts.  Here is why they are wrong.

Donald Trump

          When Donald Trump started in the race, nobody expected him to win but he has won the nomination with an agenda of mostly hate against everyone who is not a white male.  The Racist Agenda of Tump is not just something that should concern minorities, but everyone.  In 2011 he spun up a conspiracy theory to delegitimize Barack Obama’s presidency.  He claimed Obama was born outside of the U.S. in Kenya.  Even after Obama released his birth certificate, Trump continued to claim he was born outside of the U.S; trying to undermine the legitimacy of America’s first black president.  

This was not the first act of racism by Trump nor the last.  During the first presidential debate, he claimed the best method to solving crime was to be tough on it.  These are the same methods that got America into the race relations mess it is today.  He praised New York City’s stop and frisk policy that was ruled unconstitutional due to it being inherently racist.  The policy stopped blacks and latinos far more frequently then it stopped whites.  By supporting the policy, Trump is announcing support for systematic racism.  He claims that it would be the most effective way to end crime.  His views of this are reflected in his supporters, who are much cooler towards groups that are non white or police then all other Republicans.


Several months ago the KKK announced their support of Trump publicly.  Rather than condemning this, Trump said he did not know who David Duke is.  When running for president in 2000 as the reform party candidate, he condemned David Duke joining the party and said it was a bad thing for the party.  The fact is, he did not condemn a clearly racist organization for endorsing his bid shows that he is in fact racist.

     Another issue is his lack of truthfulness.  He stated several months ago that he saw Muslims in New Jersey cheering the collapse of the twin towers.  According to Politifact, this statement is completely false.  Many reports from newspapers and the police found Trump’s statement to be untrue and it was rated pants on fire.  Yet his loyal supporters still believe him.  Another statement made by Trump that was found to be pants on fire was his statement on her immigration policy.  He said Clinton’s policy would cause the U.S.’s population to Triple in a week.  That would roughly be the population of South America, Central America, and Canada.  The main problem with the statement is the perception of Clinton’s border policy.  Trump said her policy would allow open borders into the U.S.   Her stance is to make it easier to become a U.S. citizen and actually has nothing to do with having an open border.  This twisting of facts into things that are completely untrue is common in the Trump campaign.

     Trump can seem to do no wrong no matter what he says.  His campaign has made facts debatable just as much as opinions now.  During his speech at the Republican National Convention, Trump twisted the facts on at least 14 issues.  This lack of trustworthiness is worse than Clinton’s emails which Fox News has overblown more than Benghazi.   This has culminating in him wanting to His war on Megyn Kelly because she asked the tough questions was well publicized and yet his support did not suffer.  He can not wonder around and insult everyone who is not a white male and expect to win an election.  Women and Minorities are human beings, which is something Trump has not realized is true yet.

         Another reason he is unfit is he wants to build a wall along the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it.  The wall he wants to build will not do anything to stop immigration. 50% of illegal immigrants come into the country legally and then overstay their visas and other legal entries.  The wall would be easy to scale as someone would need is a ladder and some rope to get over it.  The wall also has very low support from those who live along the border as mentioned in this John Oliver video.  According to the video the wall would conservatively cost at least 30-40 billion dollars.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  Trump has recently been accused of sexual assault by many different women.  The claims appear to be true but Trump denies them by saying the women are too ugly for him.  We can not trust Trump to say they are not true as he has issues with telling the truth to America.  We can not elect someone who is a sexual predator as president.

On top of everything else, Trump makes constant defamatory statements against women and minorities and that is the final straw in a hole list of things that make him unfit to be president.  He has said he wants to ban Islamic immigration into the country and many other things related to the racism of minorities.  This promotion of xenophobia is not something America needs out of major presidential candidate let alone the Republican nominee for president.


Abortion is a fundamental right and is not something that should be limited because of religious beliefs.  If someone believes that abortion is wrong than they have the right to believe that but they do not have the right to limit the access of abortion due to their beliefs.  This has become a major problem among red states.  Their religious beliefs take hold and they institute more and more restrictive abortion laws.  A phrase in the first amendment relating to the separation of church and state says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”  This statement means that the government can not make laws restricting the use of abortion because of simply religious beliefs and states have been getting around this law by saying that they are “protecting women’s health” by limiting access to abortion.  The thing is, abortion is a very safe procedure to have.  According to Abort 73, an anti abortion non profit, 2 women out of 1.06 million women who got an abortion in 2011, died, which puts the percentage chance of one dying of an abortion at 0.00019%.  This is less than other common medical procedures according to this John Oliver video.

The argument of abortion laws protecting women’s health is invalid and we are back to the point of the reasoning behind restrictive abortion laws being religious.  The effects of the laws is not worth it.  The laws affect those who are poorer disproportionately.  They can not afford the cost of having to travel many miles and then having to stay overnight because of the mandatory waiting period.  This shoulders many people with children they do not want or/and do not have the means to care for.  Unless they come up with a plan to care for all the extra children and even then banning abortions is not the way to go.


The Republicans led by Donald Trump have been floating plans to ban immigration for some groups and limit for other.  What this does though, is make it easier to discriminate against certain groups such as Islamic and African Americans.   Due to terror attacks in Europe and other parts of America many republicans want to ban Islamic immigration into the country and put those already in the country under increased surveillance.  The reasoning that they are terrorists is not a good one as according to The Huffington Post, 94% of terror attacks in America are carried out by an american.   In fact, according to that same article, 0.000009% of Muslims are terrorists.  This is not a good reason to  ban the immigration of an entire religion due to the act of a few individuals.  It would be like arresting all the right wing conservatives in America because a few of them shot places up such as in the Colorado Springs shooting and the Louisiana movie theater incident.  More attacks are carried out by White Supremacists then Islamic’s and yet they are still referred to as “terrorists”.  Should we start calling Right Wing Conservatives Terrorists because they commit more attacks than Muslims.

This is only one issue with discrimination and the conservatives.  They discriminate against African Americans and Women just as much as they discriminate against Islamic’s.  Blacks are often categorized as being “lazy” when they are stuck in a cycle of poverty that is nearly impossible to get out of with the price of college rising.  Schools in the inner cities are typically not as good in the suburbs where residents are wealthier and the lack of low income housing stock is becoming an issue for others.  According to Talk Poverty,  24.1% of African Americans are in poverty compared with 9.1% of whites.  Republicans want to eliminate some programs that allow those in poverty to stay off the streets and this seems to be attack against minorities.  Women on the other hand have seen their reproductive rights attacked again and again and this does not appear to end anytime soon.  This is not the only issue they face.  Women are constantly sexualized by men and the gender wage gap does not appear to be going away anytime soon.  It is not a good time to be a minority or woman in America because of this.


These are the issues I decided to focus on that the Republicans have taken the wrong side on.  There are many others that have just as much of an impact on the country such as Poverty that I have not focussed on.  I can assure you that the Republicans have taken the wrong side on these issues as well.  On Tuesday vote for a better future in our country and do not vote for the Republican party.  We can not have a president who does not have temperament to be it.  Vote for Hillary Clinton and the rest of the democratic party and our country will be safe.  Vote for Donald Trump and our country will have dire consequences.


What do you think?

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  • Trent

    November 11, 2016 / at 8:47 am

    ¨nominating a complete idiot named Donald Trump for president.¨ How you call him an idiot when he’s smart enough to become president and makes more money in a day than most people in their life????

  • Benjamin

    November 10, 2016 / at 12:12 pm

    I agree wholeheartedly! It makes no sense to me that the government should be able to control what happens inside a woman’s body. Nobody is “pro-abortion” but it is pivotal that women have the option. I find it extremely alarming that the republican party has so much concern over an unborn fetus, than they do over syrian children who are killed every day because they have no place to go.
    Another point that absolutely baffles me about the republican party is their denial of climate change. Republican politicians would rather tell us “they’re not scientists” than listen to those who are. Within our lifetimes, cities like miami will be under water. We have basically killed the great barrier reef through ocean acidification. Donald trump is saying he will remove environmental protection policies in his first 100 days in office, to prioritize jobs. However, what jobs will there be if we don’t have clean air and water? None, because people will be dead. Moving away from burning fossil fuels would prevent THOUSANDS of asthma attacks and premature deaths, not to mention we will run out of some crucial fuels in a matter of years. The renewable energy industry will become over a trillion dollar industry, and if we continue to deny climate change, the US will be reliant on countries like Saudi Arabia and Canada that are harnessing new technologies.

  • Ryan

    November 9, 2016 / at 9:59 am

    *Trump WINS the election

  • Samuel

    November 8, 2016 / at 12:07 pm

    When you claim abortion to be a fundamental right you completely ignore the human right to life. Religion nothing close to the only argument against abortion. A zygote is a living being with unique human DNA. It is human, and thus possesses the innate human right to life. Abortion, in all cases but one is completely morally abhorrent. That one case is when the mother’s life is at risk. The idea that a woman needs the right to terminate human life is morally bankrupt and absurd. Stop.

    • EmilyK

      November 8, 2016 / at 10:04 pm

      *Trigger warning, probably aggressive, but it’s my opinion*
      A zygote is not a human, my dude. A zygote is not even a fetus, it is just some cells. A zygote is incapable of feeling pain. A fetus begins to feel things at 28 weeks, which is the beginning of the third trimester. The removal of a fetus at this point is not considered abortion.. It is considered BIRTH. The baby will most likely be developed enough to survive. Abortion is not legal after around 24 weeks. If you think a zygote holds as much value as a baby.. You must not think very highly of babies.

      A zygote does not even know it exists. A zygote does not care. A zygote does not feel anything, it is a zygote. The zygote does not think. The zygote does not need rights. And for the record… the zygote can not cure cancer.. But many people like to think that.

      Women who go through abortions have their reasons. Do you think as little girls, women just go “Dang! I really want to have an abortion some day! Because potential pain and emotional trauma is so fun! I can not wait to get judged for what I decide to do with my body!”? … That does not happen, but sometimes things happen and you get into a situation you are not prepared for. I think it is awfully brave for a woman to be “Hey- I am not ready to raise a baby right now, I could not give it the life it deserves.”

      Many pro life people like to be like “give the baby a chance! Adoption is always an option.” Please tell that to the 400,000 children in foster care who are not given the proper care or love. These children are rarely given the chance to succeed (try looking into the legal abortion on crime paper by John J. Donohue and Steven D. Levitt.. Not fully supported but it does make you think). The world does not need more sad children. The world does not need more people in general. What is more important.. the well being of a child or some cells?

      To be real, abortions will happen if it is legal or not. Before the 1970’s (Roe vs Wade) 1.2 million illegal abortions were performed. 5,000 women died annually from unsafe abortions. Common Back-alley abortion methods include putting a very sharp object (such as a coat hanger) into the uterus. If punctured in the wrong spot, the woman can bleed to death. Some other common methods of abortion is drinking bleach or drain cleaner. This is also a common method of suicide. Does this sound safe to you? If a safe and sanitary procedure is not available, you are putting several lives on the line. What is more important.. A fully developed woman or some cells?

      Let’s go over this again..


      If pro life people really care about life.. Wouldn’t they care more about the security of a woman’s life?







      • Samuel

        November 9, 2016 / at 11:07 pm

        Tl;dr: Wrong!

        “A zygote is not a human, my dude.”
        A zygote is a bunch of living, human cells with unique human DNA. It’s a human.

        “A zygote is not even a fetus,”
        That’s irrelevant. Humans have the right to life at any stage.

        “it is just some cells.”
        *Living human cells with unique human DNA
        Does being made up of cells somehow diminish one’s humanity? Because if so I have an unfortunate revelation. We’re all just some cells.

        “A zygote is incapable of feeling pain”
        Wow! Neither can people in comas, people who are insensitive to pain, and people who are under strong painkillers! Is it acceptable to kill these people as well? Is murder fine if you give someone some motrin first? Of course not. “The victim will feel pain” is not the justification for why murder is immoral. The fact is, humans (and a zygote is human) have the natural right to life, and when that right is violated, it becomes immoral.

        “A fetus begins to feel things at 28 weeks, which is the beginning of the third trimester. The removal of a fetus at this point is not considered abortion.. It is considered BIRTH. The baby will most likely be developed enough to survive. Abortion is not legal after around 24 weeks.”
        OK! I feel no need to refute this.

        “If you think a zygote holds as much value as a baby.. You must not think very highly of babies.”
        I don’t claim to know anything about the “worth” of zygotes and babies. However, both, as human beings, have the right to life. Killing a zygote and killing a baby are both violating a human being’s right to life, and are both disgusting acts to be condemned.

        “A zygote does not even know it exists. A zygote does not care. A zygote does not feel anything, it is a zygote. The zygote does not think. The zygote does not need rights.”
        Lack of caring, self awareness, pain and thinking are irrelevant. All of those things can occur in fully grown adults temporarily or permanently, and they do not somehow take away the human right to life. These things do not change the fact that a zygote is a human with rights. How do these things disqualify a zygote from it’s human rights? If someone does not care if they live or die, that still doesn’t mean I should make the choice for them. People in comas have no concept of self awareness or pain, and they are not thinking, and it would still be wrong to kill them. All these things are completely arbitrary.

        ” And for the record… the zygote can not cure cancer.. But many people like to think that.”
        Ok. I don’t think the zygote is some magic being or something like that. I merely recognize that it’s a human being with rights, most prominent among them the right to life.

        “Women who go through abortions have their reasons. Do you think as little girls, women just go “Dang! I really want to have an abortion some day! Because potential pain and emotional trauma is so fun! I can not wait to get judged for what I decide to do with my body!”?”
        Whether or not the abortion is premeditated from childhood doesn’t change it’s deplorable nature. The thing is, a zygote actually isn’t part of the woman’s body. It would be if it had the same DNA as the woman, but a zygote has unique DNA from fertilization, clearly setting it apart as a separate living human. And anyways, since abortion is a heinous and deplorable conscious choice, the woman should very well be judged.

        “… That does not happen, but sometimes things happen and you get into a situation you are not prepared for.”
        Yes, things do happen. However, your actions just created a human being, and you are morally obligated at least to not kill it for nine months. Being unprepared doesn’t somehow make murder not murder.

        “I think it is awfully brave for a woman to be “Hey- I am not ready to raise a baby right now, I could not give it the life it deserves.””
        I’m sure it takes an enormous amount of courage to do something so morally abhorrent. I really don’t see how one could think that there is any honor in all in killing a helpless innocent because “they might have a sub par life”. If a person decides that death is preferable to their current situation, THEY and they alone can make that decision, and as the unborn (and persons under 18) cannot consent, it is murder to make that decision for them. Perhaps you are correct, making the most important decision of someone’s life for them, without their knowledge or consent, is pretty brave.

        “Many pro life people like to be like “give the baby a chance! Adoption is always an option.” Please tell that to the 400,000 children in foster care who are not given the proper care or love.”
        Until the human has the means to decide otherwise, it must be assumed that they prefer a life lacking in care or love to no life at all. And anyway, adoption IS always an option. If adoption never occurred, the amount of children in foster care would constantly be increasing. Anyways, this is not about “giving the baby a chance” on the base level. It’s about not violating the inherent right to life.

        “These children are rarely given the chance to succeed (try looking into the legal abortion on crime paper by John J. Donohue and Steven D. Levitt.. Not fully supported but it does make you think).”
        Nah lol (I’ll look into it later but potentially reducing crime rates or whatnot aren’t more important than protecting the right to life for me)

        “The world does not need more sad children. The world does not need more people in general.”
        The opinion that the world is overpopulated doesn’t overrule the right to life. Birth rates are actually falling in the USA, and that’s not good, especially since we aren’t overpopulated to begin with. It’s true that the world is finding it hard to feed anyone, but technology and innovation will likely be able to keep up. The morally sound ways to keep the population down are myriad, but abortion is not one of them. As for sad children specifically, being sad and being a child are both temporary afflictions, and it’s still murder even if it would have been a sad kid.

        “What is more important.. the well being of a child or some cells?”
        When you put it that way, it almost seems like you aren’t proposing to somehow improve quality of life by ending it! A zygote and a child are merely different stages of human life. Yes, the human life of a zygote is more important than the potential suffering of a child. Again, potential future hardship is not somehow justification of murder in the present.

        “To be real, abortions will happen if it is legal or not.”
        I’m aware that there will always be people who make morally bankrupt decisions, whether or not those choices are legal or not. Murder, rape, and theft will always exist, no matter their legality. That doesn’t mean the government should openly allow those acts, and it doesn’t mean the government shouldn’t attempt to protect the rights of it’s citizens and punish those who infringe upon those rights.

        “Before the 1970’s (Roe vs Wade) 1.2 million illegal abortions were performed. 5,000 women died annually from unsafe abortions. Common Back-alley abortion methods include putting a very sharp object (such as a coat hanger) into the uterus. If punctured in the wrong spot, the woman can bleed to death. Some other common methods of abortion is drinking bleach or drain cleaner. This is also a common method of suicide. Does this sound safe to you? If a safe and sanitary procedure is not available, you are putting several lives on the line.”
        Really? The government is at fault for the deaths of these women, and not the women who attempt to abort their child? Is abortion not a completely conscious choice? And really? These women die will be dying while attempting to murder a human being that they created. Why should any sympathy be felt for them? Do we feel sympathy for the rapists, murderers, and other violent criminals who die while attempting to murder, rape, or steal from others? People who try to abort their child are just as guilty of a heinous act as the above examples, and facilities should NOT be created by the government or allowed by the government to allow them to commit such acts. Here’s a quick tip on how to avoid dying in an illegal back alley abortion: Don’t get an illegal back alley abortion. Not only is it safer for you, it has the added bonus of not violating human rights. If you simply cannot or refuse to raise the child after birth, under the Safe Haven act, you can simply leave the infant at most public buildings and they have to care for it.

        “What is more important.. A fully developed woman or some cells?”
        Well, considering it’s either a completely innocent human life or a human attempting murder imma have to go with the former. When you are attempting to violate the rights of others, your rights are forfeit.

        “Let’s go over this again..”

        “LIVING BEINGS THAT FEEL PAIN.. or cells?”
        Zygotes are living beings though. All the women who would die getting a back alley abortion could simply not get a back alley abortion. The zygote, on the other hand, is being forced to die, and has no choice.

        “If pro life people really care about life.. Wouldn’t they care more about the security of a woman’s life?”
        No. The woman has made the choice to violate the rights of an innocent human being. Whatever befalls them is their fault, and probably well deserved.

        I could go in depth on the actual science of how zygotes are alive, separate, and human, but I already spent too much time on this. Basically, there are seven fundamental characteristics of life that an entity must have to be considered alive, and a zygote fulfills all of them. That, along with it’s unique human DNA means it is in fact human. Other things like whether it has a heart yet, fingerprints, the ability to feel pain or whatnot, are completely arbitrary.


        Some Simply Epic Sources (not all of them but a few):

        It’s a hooman:





        Safe Haven:


        Birth Rate is falling and why that’s lame:


        The right to life:


        • Tess

          November 11, 2016 / at 11:10 am

          If you’re advocating for the right to human life, what about the woman’s life? Pregnancy destroys a woman’s body and giving birth is one of the most painful experiences a person can endure. And what if she was raped? You can’t defend the right to human life if you’re only thinking of the child. Does an unborn child’s life matter more than a person who has already been living in this earth? And whether or not a zygote is a human, that shouldn’t take over the life of the woman. We should have rights over our bodies. I totally agree with Emily, and it terrifies me that this is even thought of as being illegal! It should not be ok for people to chose what you do with your own body.

          • Samuel

            November 11, 2016 / at 11:07 pm

            Sam’s Wacky, Zany, and Totally Cool Rebuttal to Tess: Part One

            “If you’re advocating for the right to human life, what about the woman’s life?”
            I am advocating for the right to human life. When a woman’s life is threatened by the pregnancy, I can’t see any issue with her choice to get an abortion.

            “Pregnancy destroys a woman’s body and giving birth is one of the most painful experiences a person can endure.”
            I’m not going to dispute the claim that pregnancy is painful. I’ve never been pregnant. If the pregnancy will actually destroy the woman (I assume you mean kill by this) then a safe, legal, abortion should be made available to them. Other than that, being caused pain by an unborn child, who has no choice or intent in the matter, does not somehow make murder not murder.

            “And what if she was raped?”
            Rape is incredibly touchy, for obvious reasons. However, being created from an inexcusable, abhorrent act doesn’t revoke the right to life. Aborting a rape baby is making an absolutely horrible situation even worse. When you abort a rape baby, you are killing a completely innocent third party. Yes, it’s a horrible situation either way, but murder doesn’t somehow improve it. As soon as the pregnancy is complete, the baby can be quickly and easily dropped off at most public buildings, under the Safe Haven laws, since the woman presumably and justifiably wouldn’t want to raise it.

            “You can’t defend the right to human life if you’re only thinking of the child.”
            I’m not only thinking of the child’s life though. As stated in this comment and all of my others, when the pregnancy places the mother at risk, it is completely justified to terminate it. If you’re perhaps referring to my opinion on the deaths of women who choose to use unsafe back alley abortions when abortion was illegal, that is fine, It was perhaps too long winded and confusing for what was probably a strange topic. Let me explain. Simply put, you forfeit your right to life when/while you threaten or violate another’s right to life. It can be compared to self defense, with a few differences. Suppose you were under attack by an axe murderer. Since he is threatening to violate your right to life, his right to life is forfeit, morally allowing you to respond in kind with lethal force. Now of course, this isn’t a perfect metaphor, since the unborn child isn’t directly killing a mother who chooses to perform an unsafe back alley type abortion, but the same concept, “threatening another’s life means your right to life is forfeit” can still be applied. When you choose to have a back alley abortion, you are knowingly placing yourself at risk in order to murder another human being.

            “Does an unborn child’s life matter more than a person who has already been living in this earth?”
            No, they just have the natural right to life that cannot justifiably be infringed upon unless the pregnancy places the mother’s life at risk. An innocent life is to be protected if the motivations to end it are anything but self preservation.

            “And whether or not a zygote is a human, that shouldn’t take over the life of the woman.”
            A zygote is human. It’s a living organism with unique human DNA. If it’s not human, what the heck is it? (I don’t recommend saying “just a clump of cells” because that doesn’t actually mean anything.) And you are correct, if you are saying that the mother should not be forced to raise it. Several easy options on the mother’s part are available, and the best part is they don’t involve murder. I’m aware the adoption system is rather unfortunate in this country, but it can be improved or fixed. During the actual nine months of pregnancy, the human right to life must be respected, with the exception I’ve discussed. It should be common human decency not to murder another human simply because they inconvenience you.

            “We should have rights over our bodies. I totally agree with Emily, and it terrifies me that this is even thought of as being illegal!”
            Calm down mate I can’t even vote.

            “It should not be ok for people to chose what you do with your own body.”
            I agree. The government should not illegalize such personal and consensual anatomical decisions as putting a certain drug or food into your own body, and things like prostitution should definitely be legal for persons over the age of 18. However, choosing to abort a baby is not a decision purely concerning the mother’s body. The unborn child, being a living being with unique human DNA, is clearly apart from the mother. Sure, it inhabits her body temporarily, but that doesn’t mean it deserves to die. The zygote has no choice but to inhabit the body of the woman. Inhabiting someone’s property (in this case someone’s body), when one has no choice or ability to make any other decision, does not and should not forfeit one’s right to life.

            FIN (responding to the follow up soon)

            Sources (they’re the same for now):

            It’s a hooman:





            Safe Haven:


            The right to life:


        • Tess

          November 11, 2016 / at 1:24 pm

          Also, women who have abortions are not criminals and should not be treated as such. They are doing it because they know that they can not give that child a good home. There are doing the best they can for both themselves and the unborn child. It’s also not like they wanted to do this. They didn’t get pregnant just to get an abortion. It is painful, physically and emotionally. The government shouldn’t have the right to keep a woman for doing what’s best for her body.

    • Alexis

      November 9, 2016 / at 10:18 am

      Being the fact that pro life is was huge in the 70’s it’s like 40 year old dead horse. It really should not be big now, there are other bigger things to worry about now other than the fact it should be legal to have an abortion. If a woman is NOT ready to have a kid she should be able to have an abortion. The heart does not beat 18 days after conception because it does not exist yet. We celebrate the birthday not the conception day. How would you feel if your parents still had you even though they were not ready? Would they love you as much as they do now? Do you think they would even care about you the slightest bit? They could have given you up for adoption even. A zygote is not a human. You were nothing but a sea monkey floating in a uterus until the day you were born.

    • Kwamboka

      November 10, 2016 / at 9:04 am

      I was right. Emily won harharhar.

  • Evan

    November 8, 2016 / at 10:03 am

    Remember when Trump sold 20% of American Uranium to Russia? Neither do I, oh wait that was Clinton.

    Remember when Trump gave the U.S Nuclear response time on global tv? Oh wait, that was Clinton too.

    Remember when Trump got a child rapist off in court over a technicality, then says he’s going to protect children because they are our future? Just kidding, that was Hillary again.

    Remember when Trump took money from countries that kill gays, and don’t allow women to drive? Me neither, hmm Clinton again.

    Remember when Trump voted for a bunch of pointless foreign interventions that cost us trillions of dollars & thousands of lives? I sure don’t, i wonder who did that.

    But i guess Trump is the bad guy, because the Media said he is. And Clinton is a innocent little Epileptic flower who has NEVER lied, or done something illegal. *Cough *cough *Emails *cough *Benghazi.

    • Emily

      November 8, 2016 / at 11:23 am

      Can you state your sources, please? I do not find this comment very credible.

    • Rand

      November 8, 2016 / at 12:15 pm

      I will mention that Clinton was cleared in the emails by the FBI twice and 5 different house republican investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing in Benghazi.
      I will also add that the only U.S. senator to vote against the Iraq war was Paul Wellstone D mn. Pointing the blame on Clinton is pointless because of the amount of people who actually voted for the war. Blaming Clinton for the Iraq War would be like blaming the U.S. for starting the Russian Revolution.
      In response to the child rapist claims, those are actually true. The truth is Clinton was a court ordered attorney for the case and did her job. She was doing her job, not letting him go free because she hates children.
      She truthfully had nothing to do with the uranium deal. The mine was bought by a company and then the company was bought by the Russian government. This had nothing to do with selling U.S. uranium. It was private corporation that was bought by the Russian government.
      The nuclear response times is common knowledge and hardly classified information. While she said it is four minutes, the U.S. Strategic command would not comment on how long it actually takes so it is unlikely she was right. Even if she is right, it does not make that big of a difference if your response times are given away. The russians can not do anything about our response times to when the order to launch is given. It’s quite obvious actually as the minuteman missiles are named for their ability to launch one minute after the key is turned.
      The fact that she is accepting money from countries that kill homosexuals and do not women drive is hypocrisy. Saudi Arabia is one of our biggest allies in the middle east and if she is to be held accountable for that, then the entire U.S. government should be held accountable for it. The laws arise from a strict interpretation of Islam. You say we should Saudi Arabia to a higher standard but we see the Republicans attacking same sex marriage and trying to take away LGBT rights. Unless we are to be perfect on the LGBT rights scale which will never happen as long we have republicans, we can not criticize them for being anti homosexual.

      • Noah

        November 9, 2016 / at 1:40 pm

        “hardly classified”…

      • Evan

        November 10, 2016 / at 12:56 pm

        About her donations with the middle east, she did not only take money from Saudi Arabia, i was also taking about Morocco and Oman and Qatar. But what I was getting at is that she feels women are treated unequally in the U.S and want to change it, but is endorsed by the leading countries of abuse of gays and women. How can you have a woman fight for women’s rights when she herself is funded by those who would execute an official for saying such a thing? But by your logic “Saudi Arabia is one of our biggest allies in the middle east and if she is to be held accountable for that, then the entire U.S. government should be held accountable” If someone ran for President and supported Communism and Oppression, and Korea, or England, or any other Democratic U.S allie gave them money, it would be fine because they are allies with the U.S?

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